Jamaliah Hamdan

How it all begins...
Establishing SeriGreen was a personal journey for our founder, Jamaliah Hamdan, or more affectionately known as ‘Puan J’ to her peers. Combining her love of nature & design, SeriGreen was born in 2008.
Apart from creating a home and family of her own, she worked diligently to through the ranks, from reservation clerk to a manager of a travel agency before eventually embarking on her own with Greed Adventure Holidays in 2000. Several years later, a deep sense of needing to diversify led her to grow another passion into a business (quite literally) and thus SeriGreen Garden & Landscape was born.
What begins as a humble floral arrangement business soon flourished into a professional and quality-focused landscape maintenance company with a strong record of providing outstanding customer service.

Leaving a legacy.
Establishing this company was about much more than beautifying spaces and bringing a personal dream to fruition, it was the answer to a burning question within her: “What will I leave behind?”. She’s knew that she wanted to combine her love of nature and design but she also wanted to create a legacy.
When SeriGreen began to thrive, she embarked on another passion of hers, learning. She then, under the umbrella of SeriGreen, spread her passion and started her own plant nursery.
Cultivated with great care, it is a haven for learning and features design elements inspired by particular verses in the Quran. Essentially, it is a place where one can achieve a sense of peace and gain knowledge.

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy!

My Green Sanctuary.
Continuing her passion and love to share everything beautiful, she’s written a book aptly titled, My Green Sanctuary.
More details will be revealed as we get closer to the launching date.
The book is expected to be launched in Q4 2017.