Perbadanan Putrajaya / Putrajaya Corporation (PPJ)
Putrajaya, Malaysia
Putrajaya, the city in the garden.
Landscape & Garden Maintenance, Daily Softscape Maintenance Works

The garden city.
Putrajaya is a city planned and built to meet the challenges of the new millennium. It is ‘A City in a Garden’ that looked to nature for inspiration, resulting in a landscape dominated by the picturesque Putrajaya Lake.
One of the most important factors for the success of a scenic masterpiece is a lake with water that is clear as the sky itself. Putrajaya Corporation accomplishes this with the by incorporating gift of nature; and with the help of modern construction technology, they built Putrajaya Wetlands.
SeriGreen provides year-round grounds maintenance solutions to ensure Putrajaya ecosystem thrives & flourish. We work closely with the management to understand their needs, and provide expertise that delivers the greatest value for their ecosystem investment.

The brief.
SeriGreen was selected in 2017 by Perbadanan Putrajaya / Putrajaya Corporation (PPJ) to maintain the vast landscape that has been built with care around Putrajaya. It’s a new project for us, but we have been busy implementing the ‘right’ way of doing things in every aspect.
Experienced & dedicated team.
A dedicated team is assigned to each area for consistency and continuity of service. Our fully trained, experienced and courteous staff work discreetly to minimize any disturbance at the site, whilst providing the necessary services to achieve the high standards of maintenance our clients have come to expect from SeriGreen.
After careful consultation with Putrajaya’s management team, our works specifications are tailor-made to meet all their particular needs and budgets and our ongoing investment in staff training, and modern equipment ensures that they receive the very best of value.
Hazard removal.
Putrajaya’s landscape are designed to be enjoyed by the public. It is vital for us that we identify trees that are sick, or dead ones.
Dead tree branches can fall off causing serious damage to people, vehicles and properties. They’re also breeding ground for insects and deadly pests like rats and termites.
Upon identification and evaluation, we initiated our intensive recovery process. Full removal will only be considered as the final option.
Silent killers.
One particular Weeping Willow at the Promenade Area was tragically attacked by termites. Upon evaluation by our experienced team members, they came to the conclusion that the damage done by little critters did not permanently damage the tree.
We quickly initiated an intensive recovery process to prevent further infection and damage to the tree and surrounding plants.
After a couple of weeks of incentive care, we stopped the infestation, and the Weeping Willow is now on the long road to full recovery.
Quality & Standards.
As part of our standard operating procedure, the upkeep and operation of our Landscape Maintenance & Care program are strictly implemented to comply with ISO 9001:2008 quality management standards.
The outcome.
During the period to date we have steadily improved the area mainly through the dedication of our experienced team, but also through the improvement initiatives proposed by our horticulturists.
There are still a lot of work to be done, but our continuous improvement program to the area had already started showing results and we are very proud to be part of the team that helped Putrajaya maintain its status as ‘A City in a Garden’.

What we do.
SeriGreen Services
- Labour, tools, equipment, fertilizers & transportation.
- Conceptual design and build, handling, hoisting, tagging & planting.
- Landscape maintenance which covers watering, fertilizing, weeding, pruning of shrubs, mulching, mowing, insecticide spraying, fungicide, herbicide, plant disease treatment & clearing growth.
- External Landscaping; Hardscape & softscape
- Exterior Potted Plants.
- Interior Potted Plants.
Maintenance Area
- All external perimeter, namely Boulevard, Promenade And Waterfront (BPW) Areas
- External perimeter around Presint 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 18 & 19.
- One (1) Project Manager
- One (1) Horticulturist
- Nine (9) supervisor
- Ninety (90) full time trained and skilled gardeners

The sunken garden.
The Sunken Garden at Precinct 2 is one of the more interesting site under our maintenance & care.
Firstly, the Sunken Garden feature a massive concrete wall that can cause major water retention to the plants in the area if they were not maintained properly. A proper irrigation technique was introduced to simplify the maintenance & prevent water puddles from forming at the site.
The area surrounding the sunken garden is lush with plants of many species, which is nice, but introduces accessibility issue when it comes to maintenance. This was easily rectified with our smaller ATVs that we have heavily modified functioning like a mini truck.

Plants we maintained for the location.
Boulevard Middle Area; Presint 2, 3 & 4
- Arfuelia Arborescens
- Eugenia Oleana
- Ficus sp.
- Lagerstroemia sp.
- Mesua Ferrea
- Mimusop Elengi (Bunga Tanjung)
- Breynia sp.
- Durantha Variegated
- Excoecaria sp.
- Exora Sunkist
- Ficus sp.
- Gardenia Jasminoides
Promenade Presint 10, Promenade Presint 8 & Ayer 8
- Bambusa Multiplex
- Bottlebrushes
- Coconus
- Filicium
- Kasai (African Red Leaf)
- Lagerstroemia Speciosa
- Palm: Caryota Mitis, Livistona
- Peltophorum Pterocarpum
- Samanea SamanPolycias Fruticosa
- Acalypha sp.
- Baphia
- Bougainvillea sp.
- Canna sp.
- Cordyline sp.
- Costus
- Heliconia sp.
- Iresine
- Ruellia sp.
Promenade Area; Presint 6 & 7 (Cyberjaya border)
- Alstonia (Pokok Pulai)
- Andira Inermis
- Baphia
- Brownea Ariza
- Salix Babylonica (Weeping Willow)
- Acalypha Siamensis
- Acalypha Wilkesiana
- Justicia Gendarussa
- Loropetalum
- Ruellia sp.
Boulevard Area; Presint 2, 3 & 4
- Bucida sp.
- Barringtonia
- Tabebuia sp.
- Filicium
- Podocarpus
- Acalypha Variegated
- Bougainvillea sp.
- Lagerstroemia sp.
- Murraya Paniculata
- Osmoxylon
Promenade Presint 1 & Promenade Presint 16
- Ardisia Crispa (Mata Pelanduk)
- Bauhinia Blakeana (Tapak Kuda)
- Lagerstroemia Speciosa
- Melaleuca Leucadendra (Gelam)
- Mimusop Elengi (Bunga Tanjung)
- Plumeria Sp. (Bunga Kemboja)
- Croton sp. (Puding)
- Exora sp. (Bunga Jenjarum)
- Heliconia Psittacorum
- Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis (Bunga Raya)
- Phyllanthus Myrtifolius (Naga Buana)
- Salix Babylonica (Weeping Willow)
- Vallaris Glabra (Kesidang)
Boulevard Area; Presint 2, 3 & 4
- Bucida Buceras
- Ficus Gold Topiary
- Mesua Ferrea
- Michelia Champaca
- Tabebuia Rosea
- Bougainvillea sp.
- Iresine
- Justicia Gendarussa
- Lagerstroemia Indica
- Murraya Paniculata
- Ruellia Angustifolia (Ruellia Simplex)
Promenade Area; Presint 5 & 19
- Bucida sp.
- Fragrea Fragran
- Juniperus Chinensis
- Salix Babylonica (Weeping Willow)
- Samanea Saman
- Acalypha Siamensis
- Canna Indica sp.
- Crinum Lily sp.
- Heliconia sp.
- Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis (Bunga Raya)
- Jasminum Sambac sp.
Boulevard Area; Presint 2 & 3
- Acacia
- Ficus Microcarpa Golden
- Lagerstroemia Indica
- Pometia Pinnata
- Samanea Saman
- Bougainvillea sp.
- Exora sp. (Bunga Jenjarum)
- Leucophyllum
- Murraya Paniculata
- Ruellia sp.
Promenade Area; Presint 4 & 18
- Caesalpinia
- Plumeria Ribra
- Salix Babylonica (Weeping Willow)
- Samanea Saman (Albizia Saman)
- Tabebuia
- Baphia
- Codiaeum variegatum
- Cordyline Terminalis (Ti)
- Crinum Amabile
- Excoecaria Cochinchinensis

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